Best Subject Lines of 2021

Best Subject Lines of 2021

For the fifth year in a row, I have compiled the Best Email Subject Lines of the year! You can read the Best Email Subject Lines of 2017, the  Best Email Subject Lines of 2018, the Best Email Subject Lines of 2019 and the Best Email Subject Lines of 2020 to see previous winners winners.

Every year, I listed the best email subject lines according to my personal email inbox.

My Totally Biased Judging Methodology


  • 3rd place – You are on the list. Sometime in the past year, I opened one of your emails and thought, ‘Hey, that got my attention.’ I put a label on your email so you would be on this list when it came out.
  • 2nd place – You are on this list more than once.
  • 1st place – You have written more subject lines on this list than anyone else.

Since I subscribe to digital marketers and sales leaders, the content of the subject line skews to that school of thought. But I follow these people the most because they write the best email subject lines, and are more likely to contribute to my swipe files.

3RD PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2021

     2ND PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2021

    Those who earn 2nd Place in this annual contest make it on the best subject line list more than once.

    • [FREE] Download my Cheat Sheet – Pat Flynn
    • Learn these powerful email marketing strategies – Pat Flynn


    1st Place – Best Email Subject Lines of 2021

    Yael Bendahan

    Yael Bendahan is an online marketing and growth strategist, and specializes in training women to grow their business.

    Yael’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2021

    1. can I promote you in Q1? – Yael Bendahan
    2. do you see that elephant in the corner? – Yael Bendahan
    3. want to hit your income goals this month? (and next?) – Yael Bendahan
    4. the daily affirmation that changed everything for me – Yael Bendahan

    MAP workbook coverI’ve been collecting the best subject lines from my inbox every year for a while (see previous yearly roundups here). Feel free to review these subject lines, click through to the authors, and subscribe to their email newsletters (if someone is on this list, they are worthy to follow).

    Once you learn about writing better email subject lines, it’s time to automate your marketing! My Marketing Automation Planner takes you step-by-step through the process to create a lead generation machine. Get all my best tools, templates, and workbooks here:

    About The Author

    Caelan Huntress is the father of 3 kids, and in his spare time serves as creative director of Stellar Platforms. He is also a writer, digital marketer, multimedia producer, and a retired superhero. He blogs about his adventures on

    Email Autoresponders

    Email Autoresponders

    Intelligent autoresponder email marketing campaigns can save you lots of time, while creating a solid engagement process for prospective customers just as they begin engaging with you. Your autoresponder emails are crucial for converting strangers into customers.

    Your weekly email newsletter is time-sensitive, and trapped in the present moment. Your autoresponder campaigns are eternal, and progress at the pace of your prospect’s knowledge of you, and is not limited by what you happen to be saying, writing, and sending right now.

    Autoresponder Example

    Out of Office Autoresponder Message

    You’ve surely received an autoresponder like this before. You email someone, and you instantly receive a reply, telling you about the details of their vacation and when they expect to be back.

    They don’t take the time to send you this email as soon as you hit their inbox. The entire purpose is that the autoresponder communicates what you need to know, in your timeframe, with total disregard of the sender’s timeframe.

    For converting strangers into customers on your website, an autoresponder email sequence is typically used in concert with the stages of your sales funnel.

    Consider how someone is feeling and thinking, just after they have subscribed to your list, and write your email to the customer avatar as they exist in that specific moment.

    Typical Autoresponder Email Sequence

    • Thank you for subscribing! Here is your lead magnet. Follow me on social media.
    • Did you like the lead magnet? Here’s a story of someone who had a transformation because of it.
    • Here’s another story, of someone who faced my customer avatar’s main problems, and how they were transformed.
    • Brief mention of services.
    • Educational email about the industry or current environment.
    • People with this big problem seek a solution. I have a solution, and I will tell you next time.
    • Hard sell of services.
    • Educational email.
    • Survey request.

    The better ESPs (Email Service Providers) will allow you to segment your lists based on their activities. If someone subscribes to your list after becoming your customer, for example, you don’t want to send them the ‘hard sell’ email – they should be left out of that step in the autoresponder sequence.

    Autoresponder Email Marketing Platforms

    • ConvertKit
    • Aweber
    • Mailchimp
    • Constant Contact
    • InfusionSoft

    There are plenty of others available to choose from, but these are the ones that we typically work with and recommend to our clients.

    Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    For the fourth year in a row, I am am bringing you the Best Email Subject Lines of the year! You can read the Best Email Subject Lines of 2017, the  Best Email Subject Lines of 2018and the  Best Email Subject Lines of 2019 to see the winners of previous years.This year, I’ve listed the best subject lines for emails according to my personal email inbox.

    How I Judge The Best Email Subject Lines of the Year

    • 3rd place – You make it on the list. Sometime over the last 12 months, I opened an email from you and said, ‘Hey, wow. Good work.’ I popped a label on it so you would be on this list when it came out.
    • 2nd place – You are on this list three times.
    • 1st place – You have written more subject lines on this list than anyone else.
    It’s true, this list is subjective, and I subscribe to more digital marketers and sales trainers than most people – however, I follow these people the most, because they are the best at writing subject lines that capture attention and get opened.

    3RD PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    2ND PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    David Newman

    The author of Do It! Speaking is a CSP and member of the member of the NSA Million Dollar Speaker Group.

    David’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    • [Online Workshop] 7 Association Trends that will Impact your Business in 2020
    • You + me + 2 days together
    • our call tomorrow

    Ryan Deiss

    Ryan was the 1st place winner of 2019’s Best Email Subject Lines contest. He is the founder of

    Ryan’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    • diagnose ➡️ execute ➡️ measure ➡️ repeat ➡️
    • This 1 skill can 🚀LAUNCH🚀 your company+career
    • Re: the GREAT deal you just missed…

    Steph Crowder

    Steph is the host of the Courage & Clarity Podcast, and is a sales trainer and business strategist.

    Steph’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    • Omg did you see this? [REPLAY!]
    • Stop dreaming so big
    • Quiz: Where will you be in 3 months? 🤔

    Marquel Russell

    Marquel is the founder of Client Attraction University and works with coaches and consultants to scale their business.

    Marquel’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    • $97 Today, $197 Tomorrow
    • 5 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Are Failing
    • Listen Up, This Is Important…

    Stefan James

    Stefan is an internet entrepreneur and business coach and is the founder of Project Life Mastery.

    Stefan’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    • Read this if you want to start a YouTube Channel in 2021
    • If I had to start over again, this is what I’d do
    • Here’s why you’re STRUGGLING as an entrepreneur

    Allie Bjerk

    Allie is a digital marketer and the creator of the Tiny Offer Lab.

    Allie’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    • Re: Denied Refund Request – [Course]
    • The questions everyone is asking me. Finally answered publicly.
    • Re: Unethical Price Change

    Jay Baer

    Jay is an emcee and keynote speaker and the founder of Convince And Convert.

    Jay’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    • join me in 60 minutes
    • Need Your Help
    • how a community manager became global VP at Patrón Tequila

    1st Place – Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    Donald Miller, Storybrand

    Donald is the author of Building A Story Brand, and trains entrepreneurs and marketers in the Storybrand framework.

    Donald’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

    1. we have a problem
    2. Real results from the StoryBrand Marketing LiveStream
    3. A better website in 60 minutes
    4. What your marketing is missing
    5. What the highest-paid people have in common…
    6. ignore your other emails and open this one
    7. What if you could read your customers’ minds?
    8. The 6-part checklist every business needs right now

    What was your fave subject line in this list?

    Click here and tell me on Twitter!

    About The Author

    Caelan Huntress is the father of 3 kids, and in his spare time serves as creative director of Stellar Platforms. He is also a writer, digital marketer, multimedia producer, and a retired superhero. He blogs about his adventures on

    77 Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    77 Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    For the third year in a row, I am happy to bring you the Best Email Subject Lines of the year! You can read the Best Email Subject Lines of 2017 and the Best Email Subject Lines of 2018 if you’d like to take a look. But these, right here, are the freshest good subject lines for emails.

    How I Judge The Best Email Subject Lines of the Year

    • 3rd place – You make this list. Sometime over the last year, I opened an email from you and said, ‘Hey, wow. Good work.’ I popped a label on it so you would be on this list when it came out.
    • 2nd place – You make this list more than twice.
    • 1st place – You have subject lines in this list more than anyone else.
    It’s true, this list is subjective, and I subscribe to more digital marketers and sales trainers than most people – however, I follow these people the most, because they are the best at writing subject lines that capture attention and get opened.

    3RD PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    2ND PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    Marisa Murgatroyd headshot

    Marisa Murgatroyd

    Marisa Murgatroyd provides done-for-you branding, website design, and training.

    Marisa’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    • $297 today, $497 tomorrow
    • We could really use your sick dance moves
    • how to tell an awesome mastermind from one that sucks

    Erin Flynn headshot

    Erin Flynn

    Erin Flynn is a digital strategist and website designer. 

    Erin’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    • Have a second to help me out?
    • It’s time to make emails as easy as copy + paste
    • Where do you find web design clients?

    Susan Pierce Thompson

    Susan is an author, speaker, and trainer at Bright Line Eating.

    Susan’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    • 70 percent? Can this be true?
    • Can I ask you something?
    • Do this one thing, today, for me.

    1st Place – Best Email Subject Lines of 2019
    Ryan Deiss headshot

    Ryan Deiss, Digital Marketer

    Ryan Deiss is the creator of, and provides some of the best training tools and digital marketing certification programs on the web. It’s no wonder he is this year’s winner – this is exactly the kind of material he teaches.

    Ryan’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2019

    1. [CLOSING] Unicorns pooping rainbows?
    2. I proposed on the first date
    3. This is awkward, but…
    4. I noticed your name still isn’t on the list, CAELAN
    You may have noticed, when Ryan’s final subject line landed in my inbox, it displayed my name in all CAPS. This is because whenever I subscribe to newsletters…I always put my name in all CAPS. This way, I can immediately differentiate between automated and personal emails. When you have 395,911 unread emails in your inbox (like I do) you find some quirky ways to manage the volume, and this is one of them. What was your fave subject line in this list? Click here and tell me on Twitter!

    About The Author

    Caelan Huntress is the father of 3 kids, and in his spare time serves as creative director of Stellar Platforms. He is also a writer, digital marketer, multimedia producer, and a retired superhero. He blogs about his adventures on