For the fourth year in a row, I am am bringing you the Best Email Subject Lines of the year! You can read the Best Email Subject Lines of 2017, the  Best Email Subject Lines of 2018and the  Best Email Subject Lines of 2019 to see the winners of previous years.This year, I’ve listed the best subject lines for emails according to my personal email inbox.

How I Judge The Best Email Subject Lines of the Year

  • 3rd place – You make it on the list. Sometime over the last 12 months, I opened an email from you and said, ‘Hey, wow. Good work.’ I popped a label on it so you would be on this list when it came out.
  • 2nd place – You are on this list three times.
  • 1st place – You have written more subject lines on this list than anyone else.
It’s true, this list is subjective, and I subscribe to more digital marketers and sales trainers than most people – however, I follow these people the most, because they are the best at writing subject lines that capture attention and get opened.

3RD PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

2ND PLACE – Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

David Newman

The author of Do It! Speaking is a CSP and member of the member of the NSA Million Dollar Speaker Group.

David’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  • [Online Workshop] 7 Association Trends that will Impact your Business in 2020
  • You + me + 2 days together
  • our call tomorrow

Ryan Deiss

Ryan was the 1st place winner of 2019’s Best Email Subject Lines contest. He is the founder of

Ryan’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  • diagnose ➡️ execute ➡️ measure ➡️ repeat ➡️
  • This 1 skill can 🚀LAUNCH🚀 your company+career
  • Re: the GREAT deal you just missed…

Steph Crowder

Steph is the host of the Courage & Clarity Podcast, and is a sales trainer and business strategist.

Steph’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  • Omg did you see this? [REPLAY!]
  • Stop dreaming so big
  • Quiz: Where will you be in 3 months? 🤔

Marquel Russell

Marquel is the founder of Client Attraction University and works with coaches and consultants to scale their business.

Marquel’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  • $97 Today, $197 Tomorrow
  • 5 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Are Failing
  • Listen Up, This Is Important…

Stefan James

Stefan is an internet entrepreneur and business coach and is the founder of Project Life Mastery.

Stefan’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  • Read this if you want to start a YouTube Channel in 2021
  • If I had to start over again, this is what I’d do
  • Here’s why you’re STRUGGLING as an entrepreneur

Allie Bjerk

Allie is a digital marketer and the creator of the Tiny Offer Lab.

Allie’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  • Re: Denied Refund Request – [Course]
  • The questions everyone is asking me. Finally answered publicly.
  • Re: Unethical Price Change

Jay Baer

Jay is an emcee and keynote speaker and the founder of Convince And Convert.

Jay’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  • join me in 60 minutes
  • Need Your Help
  • how a community manager became global VP at Patrón Tequila

1st Place – Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

Donald Miller, Storybrand

Donald is the author of Building A Story Brand, and trains entrepreneurs and marketers in the Storybrand framework.

Donald’s Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

  1. we have a problem
  2. Real results from the StoryBrand Marketing LiveStream
  3. A better website in 60 minutes
  4. What your marketing is missing
  5. What the highest-paid people have in common…
  6. ignore your other emails and open this one
  7. What if you could read your customers’ minds?
  8. The 6-part checklist every business needs right now

What was your fave subject line in this list?

Click here and tell me on Twitter!

About The Author

Caelan Huntress is the father of 3 kids, and in his spare time serves as creative director of Stellar Platforms. He is also a writer, digital marketer, multimedia producer, and a retired superhero. He blogs about his adventures on