What is your best strategy for 2018?
You’ve got a whole new year to plan. Setting a plan for 2018 is more than writing New Year’s Resolutions – a solid 2018 strategy combines your habits and your goals. Spending the time to figure out what your 2018 goals are, and deciding how you are going to achieve them, will give you a roadmap to follow to your own predefined vision for success.
Over the past seven years, I’ve worked with lots of entrepreneurs. Many of them have successful, thriving businesses, but some of them just limp along, from year to year, never getting that far ahead.
The biggest difference I have seen is -> successful entrepreneurs make a plan.
Having a new plan for the New Yearallows you to do 2 things:
- Decide where you want to go
- Figure out the best way to get there
Without a plan, you might continue fumbling in the same direction, and it may improve your situation – or it may not. Like the Cheshire Cat says in Lews Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass,
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
The entrepreneurs that are going to succeed in 2018 will have a plan, and that plan will help them achieve their goals. Are you one of them?
Questions to ask yourself about 2018:
- What old projects do you want to complete in 2018?
- What new projects do you want to get started?
- What accomplishment would give you the most dramatic results?
- What can you stop doing?
- What regular tasks do you do, that can be done by somebody else?
- What parts of your business have you been neglecting?
Planning for a new year is an exciting time. With the right focus and direction, you can amplify your effectiveness and results.
Some of the best tools I have found to use around New Year’s for planning the new year include:
- Conducting an Annual Review
- Writing out New Year’s Resolutions
- Scheduling a Strategy Call with someone who can see my business from the outside
Since I love brainstorming with people about their businesses, I am offering a dicsounted rate on a few 90-minute strategy sessions. Normally my time for client work is billed at $150 an hour, but for these New Year Strategy Sessions you can reserve 90 minutes with me for 90 dollars.
“Marketing my personal business has a new direction and focus thanks to Caelan. His talent for listening and understanding combined with his skills for painting the big picture really helps me to spend my advertising budget most effectively for getting the best results. Not only does he see the big picture from a unique perspective, he is able to map the steps to take my business in the direction that will be most beneficial for me and my clients.”
In 90 minutes, I commit to helping you identify your strongest outcomes for 2018, and make a plan for achieving them.
During our call, you may also have specific questions about your website, content marketing, multimedia assets, or a recent product launch. I’m happy to discuss anything you’re working on, but especially in the context of what you’re planning for 2018.
Are you ready to plan an exceptional year?
For $90, I’ll spend 90 minutes with you to help you do it.

About The Author
Caelan Huntress is the father of 3 kids, and in his spare time serves as creative director of Stellar Platforms. He is also a writer, digital marketer, multimedia producer, and a retired superhero. He blogs about his adventures on https://caelanhuntress.com.