Website Survey What's happening with you and your website? 1. What's your #1 single biggest challenge with your website right now?*If you could solve this one thing, your life would be easier, sexier, and more fun:2. Which of the following best describes you? I’m just starting out and haven’t made my website yet. I've got a website, but I don’t have much of an email list. I have a website and a list, but I need to grow my business. My website, list, and business are large and successful. 3. What platform do you use for your website? WordPress Squarespace Custom HTML Other How is your website built?4. Where do you get the most valuable, actionable information about websites and blogging? Blog and website articles Email newsletters Facebook groups Online courses In-person events Other Please describe:5. Roughly, what's the overall size of your business sales in annual gross revenue? $0 - $15,000 $15,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $100,000 $100,000 - $300,000 $300,000 - $1,000,000 $1,000,000 + 6. Who is your customer or demographic?What are the key trigger words that let you know someone is the right match for your business?7. What do you LIKE the most about having a website?8. What do you DISLIKE the most about having a website?9. What is something are you struggling with, right now? Logo Design Brand Design Web Design eCommerce Content Creation Blogging Social Media Online Course Creation Membership Site Setup List Building Productivity Sales Pages Other Please describe: Thank You! I am profiling some website owners and bloggers for a piece I am writing. If you'd be open to chatting on the phone for a few minutes, on the condition that I promise not to sell you anything, please leave your name and contact information below. Thanks!Name First Last Email PhoneSubscribe to the Stellar Platforms newsletter? Yes, please! Δ